Stipulation for Papers’ Acceptance


  1. The paper should be ground-breaking and not previously published.
  2. The paper should be directly relevant to any of the conference's themes.
  3.  The paper should comply with the criteria and pillars of the scientific research.
  4. The paper should not exceed thirty (30) A4 pages and to be written on the computer in line with Microsoft Word according to the following specifications: the Header: 18 and black – Type of the font: Simplified Arabic – Size of the body font: 14 normal – The Margins: 12 normal; English Language: Size of the body font: 12 normal – The Margins: 10 normal.
  5. Pictures, documents and maps shall be clear and of high quality, if possible.
  6. The researcher shall present a synopsis including significance of the research, its theoretical framework and the most important elements in it, not exceeding five hundred (500) words; it should be sent via e-mail.
  7. To accept the synopsis of the paper does not necessarily mean the entire paper is approved.
  8. The presented papers shall be peer-reviewed.
  9. The researcher shall make required modifications as directed by the Conference's Scientific Committee.
  10. The Scientific Committee has the right to accept or reject the paper without giving reasons.
  11. Unaccepted papers will not be returned to their owners.
  12.  There is no excuse to receive the papers in the two languages: Arabic and English (The Conference's Language: Arabic and English). ​