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Scholarship Program:
The scholarship program is limited to international students.
The scholarship program is limited to students admitted to the university from outside the UAE only.
The accepted student from outside the country receives a monthly stipend determined by the university (according to the laws and regulations).
The monthly stipend is paid in the summer only to students enrolled and accepted from outside the country (study is optional in the summer).
The university shall bear the expenses of the travel ticket from the country from which the student travels back and forth when he completes 50% of his study plan and according to the permitted times and in accordance with the university calendar announced at the university if he is enrolled to study abroad.
The university covers all the expenses and procedures of visas, residencies and the issuance of identity cards for students coming to study from outside the country.
Providing health insurance in accordance with the policies and regulations adopted by the university for students accepted from outside the country.
Providing housing for the beneficiary inside or outside the university in the city of Sharjah for what the university decides, if the beneficiary is coming to study from outside the country and is single or not dependent inside the country, and the university does not bear any responsibility towards the beneficiary if he marries during the period of his studies at the university.
The university provides on-campus transportation service only.
If the student does not show up on time, the visa will be cancelled.
The university grants a ticket (one-way only) from the country to the country of which the beneficiary holds citizenship if he is enrolled to study from abroad after graduation.
Controls of the continuity of the scholarship:
Enrollment in each semester and do not drop out of study.
The semester and cumulative average in the regular semester should not be less than 2.00 points.
In the event that the student's semester or cumulative average (for the regular semester) is less than 2.00 points, the scholarship controls and instructions shall apply.
The scholarship student is accepted at the university, provided that he is fully dedicated to studying, and he is not entitled to work throughout his studies at the university, and in the event that these instructions are violated, the scholarship will be cancelled.
Students enrolled in the Intensive Arabic Language Program must successfully complete the program in one academic year (maximum) and then be assigned to one of the specialities offered by the university in accordance with the admission requirements in each specialization and the available academic seats. If he is unable to pass the program, the university's regulations in this regard shall be applied.
Adhere to the university's regulations and laws, as well as the behavioral and ethical controls required by university life and community norms.
The student will not be allowed to leave the university or leave the country without the prior permission of the university and with acceptable excuses.